
Happy Spring Projects

Apr 5, 2016

Spring flowers are blooming and finally the 2 DayLily Quilts are finished! What a good feeling to finish a project!

The Day Lily blocks were from Ruth McDowell’s book “Pieced Flowers” but made with my “No Sewing Until You Quilt It” technique. Traditional sewing was used for the sashing to put the blocks together.

I am now working on finishing a small quilt version of the 12 foot diameter stained glass Rose window that I completed last year for a church in Ohio. Last October I started this project and used it to demo at the Asheville, NC quilt show.

After the show - it went all the way to Egypt, folded in my suitcase, and was worked on my daughter dining room table in Cairo.  As it is flying around the world, I like to think of it as spreading the hope for a more tolerant, peaceful world.

"No Sewing Until You Quilt It" Blog

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