
4 weeks after knee replacement

Feb 21, 2017

  Physical Therapy is working it’s magic and my bones with replacement parts and soft tissue sewn back together is starting to feel stronger and coming to life as the spring bulbs are beginning to rise after a winter’s rest.

    I finished a baby quilt! It was a great feeling to work on a small easy project; then to get dressed up and walk across the street to the baby shower on Sunday. I could only sit with my leg down for about an hour; then I went gratefully home to my recliner. I take great naps there, sitting in the sun shine like a fat cat - especially after physical therapy.

I try to get up and move about every hour, stitch a bit, empty dishwasher, do my exercises, etc. Pain meds make it hard to focus on a big project right now but I am healing.

Best Wishes to all my friends. Ann

"No Sewing Until You Quilt It" Blog

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